Product News
February 9, 2021

NoQ has 2 operating modes: Velocity and Capacity

We all know that when RoomQ is started, it will detect your system traffic at any time and divert excessive crowds to the "virtual waiting room" to avoid system overload. But you may not know that RoomQ has 2 operating modes: Velocity and Capacity. Let me introduce them to you!

Velocity speed mode

-Control flow-
You can control how many users can enter your website per minute. Assume that 5 valid tickets are issued every minute and queuing tickets are issued for the rest. Within one minute the first 5 users can enter the website directly, while users after the 6th are taken to the waiting room. Users who are taken to the waiting room are taken back to your website the next minute.

- Set waiting time for tickets -
You can customize the waiting ticket period. When the user's time in the waiting room expires, the queue ticket will become a valid ticket, and RoomQ will automatically take the user to the target website.

Capacity capacity mode

- Maintain capacity -
You can set a website "capacity limit", which is the maximum number of users the website can accommodate at the same time. If you set up a maximum of 5 valid tickets at the same time, the first 5 users will enter your website, and those who follow will get queue tickets and enter the waiting room.

- Set valid ticket time -
You can customize the ticket validity period in advance. After the first 5 users enter the target website, the ticket validity period is fixed. If the first user's ticket expires, the valid ticket will automatically change back to the queue ticket, and the user will be taken back to the waiting room. The first user in the waiting room will get a valid ticket to enter the website.

In addition πŸ“ In Capacity mode, you can actively invalidate and extend valid tickets to flexibly adjust the rate at which users in the waiting room enter the website.


Why distinguish these two modes? How do I choose?

Teach you to determine which model is suitable for your business!

The above two modes have their own suitable choices for different natures of activities and website performance. Generally speaking, "Velocity mode" can accurately tell users how long they need to wait. This kind of user experience meets general needs and maintains fairness. , so it is suitable for most situations, such as:

β–ͺ Shopping website

β–ͺ Event registration website

β–ͺ Registration website

β–ͺ Website for collecting chips, etc.

"Capacity mode" combined with the ticket overdue extension function can effectively control the number of people online at the same time, so it is suitable for situations where you need to log in and complete specified tasks, such as:

β–ͺ Online learning system

β–ͺ Management account system

β–ͺ Online reservation system, etc.

🎬 Watch the video πŸ‘‰ [Velocity vs Capacity What are the differences between the two different operating modes? 】

Dynamically simulates two modes of "ticket change" and "change situation". I believe it will be clearer after reading it ~ Narration of the feeling of love β™‘ You can listen to it whether you want to buy it or not β™‘ Feeling of youth

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